Our Mission
Towards a Next-generation Manufacturing Architecture
from the Concept of Digital Triplet
This research program aims to originate a ”Next-generation Manufacturing Architecture” that contributes to the realization of a sustainable society and high value manufacturing. The architecture integrates with product architecture, smart factories, value chains, and business models, which is technically supported by the “digital triplet”. The research program is in collaboration with DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, LTD. We are working to develop theoretical and practical knowledge through industry-academia collaboration, dissemination and public relations activities for realizing this mission. Additionally, we engage in developing human resources who will be responsible for this.
Research Outline
From the perspective of digital triplet*1, we model intellectual activities including explicit knowledge, tacit knowledge, and skilled knowledge, and build the next-generation manufacturing architecture*2 that is consisted of product architecture, smart factories, value chains, and business models. Additionally, we will incorporate a human cyber physical system (HCPS)
to realize human-centered intelligent manufacturing.
Digital triplet*1
Digital triplet consists of intelligent activity world, the cyber world and the physical world and supports manufacturing system engineers in developing engineering processes with the cyber and physical worlds.
Manufacturing architecture *2
Architecture refers to the basic structure of a system created by its constituent elements.
The manufacturing architecture targets not only the architecture of the thing itself, but also the architecture that develops, designs, and manufactures the thing, and the architecture that provides the thing to the society and provides the value to the society.
Towards a Next-generation Manufacturing Architecture
from the Concept of Digital Triplet

Japan is known as “manufacturing power”, while it faces the challenge of maintaining that reputation in a rapidly changing world with value shift, global DX deployment, digital technology development, platform domination, increasing sustainability issues, and merging market expansion. Japan is also the first country to face a declining and hyper-aging population. Manufacturing, which has supported the affluence of Japan, is at stake. Thus, we believe it is time for the manufacturing industry to make a huge change to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future.

“Society5.0” : KEIDANREN(Japan Business Federation)HP